How to change the world
Some time ago, I read that to change the world is necessary to start with children, they are the future of humankind. Although possibly this idea is true, I keep asking myself the question: what does it mean "to change the world"?
Probably Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Elon Musk, or whatever important guru made it. Even so, it's not clear to me the responsibility of this idea, all that of giving a better world than which we were given. It seems so ridiculous to me like all foolishness that politicians talk about it. Then I thought that to change the world, you can resolve problems, big problems.
At this point, I think that not all problems are economics, inflation, diseases, viruses, world poverty, hunger, or preventing people from dying or becoming poor. Because if these were the only problems, it would leave philanthropists as the World's only heroes.
Thereupon, I was thinking much better about this point, so I remembered all the great people who changed the world, all gurus, and this special feeling came to me, it makes me feel inspired, inspired to change the World.
So, the fact that I started blogging and sharing ideas from myself or somebody else, some way I was inspired and inspiring other people who think they can do things, things like changing the world, and I think that is the best part to wanna chance the World, is inspiring other people that they can change the World.
Many things inspire, people, art, science, technology, entertainment, athletes, writers, and vloggers... seek that thing, idea, or people who inspire you. Don't look at the garbage that doesn't inspire anything. This system doesn't inspire and when the people aren't inspired, they are dead. Many things inspire, just look for them, you will know because they're going inspire you.
Just follow your dreams, follow your passion, and inspire other people to change the World, somehow this makes the World a better place.
And remember the Steve Jobs quote...
"The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do"
Follow me on Instagram @4me7h